
When you add new inventory item, menu item or modifier, you select their units of measurements (UOM) (such as, kilograms, grams, liters, etc.) from the provided built-in list. By default, that list includes over twenty various units. As a rule, you use a limited set of UOMs that depends on your country and particular features of your business.

This topic helps you configure the built-in list of UOMs suitable for your business.

Configuring a List of Available Units of Measurements

To configure a list of available units of measurements

  1. In the left pane of Back Office Management console, expand the Settings node, and then click Units of Measurement.
    This opens the buil-in list of available UOMs similar to the following screen:

    Example: These settings define the built-list of UOMs that includes 6 units. The default UOM is kg.
  2. In the Enable column, turn off toggle buttons next to the units you want to disable.
  3. In the Default column, click  next to the unit you want to make the default UOM.